How the Brain makes us think

When you start thinking about your brain, you will most likely picture that greyish and sort of soft substance. At least that’s what I have first pictures. However, I have read a couple of articles about the human brain and yet I am still engaged with reading stuff about it and it is a very magnificent organ that somehow kept my attention. Regarding that, I am going to write some articles about, what I think is necessary to know. But enough with all that introduction pressure let us move on the real topic. 

The mass that makes us distinct

As I mentioned before, the brain is of course a grey substance, approximately 6 kilograms which is equal to 13.2 lbs. I think it is important to know about the size of that organ because it might become clearer of how much the brain is capable of. Just imagine you buy 13.2 lbs of ground beef. Wouldn’t it be a lot of meat? I suppose it would be a lot and that’s exactly the weight of an average and healthy brain. 

How much do we use of our brain?

Furthermore what appears to us as a grey substance is after looking closer to it a network of over 100 billion cells and some say that a human takes advantage of 6%, 10% or 15% of the brains possible capability or capacity. If the brain uses only 10 percent, why does nature gifted us with 90 percent more of that? Could we just remove it without damaging the physical abilities of the human body? The answer is no, because we need all of our brain. Thus all this is nothing more than a myth because the brain works as a whole although some areas can be stimulated which results in a measureable increase of activity. In fact the brain is active almost all the time. We are aware of some actions our brain does and of other actions we are not aware of. 

Researchers found that only 10 percent of the brain are neuro cells, the rest are so called glial cells, which support the neurons and whose function is largely unknown. Anyhow it is possible to remove something from the brain without damaging the body’s abilities. This behavior can be ascribed by the term neuroplasticity.